Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Dragon's Nest

The Dragon’s Nest

          There was once a king who was very fond of hunting fierce animals like the leopard, the tiger, and the lion. The brave young king had killed almost every sort of fierce beast. Still he wanted to put his strength and skill to the hardest test. So he decided to hunt some fearful dragon.

          After a long search, the king heard the thunder of the dragon. It was very huge, had a serpent body and wings as big as the sails of the ship. The king set an arrow to his bow and got ready to face the dragon.

          As soon as the dragon appeared, the king shot an arrow at it and the dragon fell down lifeless. But, in no time, a smaller dragon attacked the king. It was the female of the killed dragon. But the brave king killed it as well.

          At that very moment, the king was highly surprised to see the heads of four new-born dragons popping out of the cave. They were yet as small as lizards. So the king felt guilty of having deprived them of their parents.

          In order to make amends for what the king had done, he carried the young dragons to his palace and began to bring them up. The dragons grew up so affectionate pets and always accompanied the king wherever went. So, each of them was trained to accept reins and a saddle.

          Whenever the young king’s mother asked him to marry, he would say, “I shall marry a princess who is able to ride a dragon”.

          It was with much difficulty that such a princess was found. So, the king married her and the couple often enjoyed happy dragon-rides.

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