Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friends to Lovers

Friends to Lovers

I will never forget
The time we first met
It’s my first time to talk to you
And what I did is to make joke on you

We became the best of friends
And share things till the day end
We have our jokes and fights hundreds times
But he always say, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind”

Things passed as fast as time,
And our feelings change as what we are
I love the way he smile
And I know he loves me very much

But one thing inside me,
I’m also a coward and a confused one
I don’t ever want to lose someone like him
A good friend and an important one

I thank God for having him
I feel so blessed knowing someone like him
I swear I don’t want to let him go
Because my heart says, “I love you so.”

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