Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CBA WEEK (Narrative)

       One of the most awaited celebrations in this semester is the CBA week. Students from CBA can enjoy and have fun, do what they want and join in the activities and sports they love.

          On the first they of this week, I was surprised after entering the main gate when I saw the booths made by the students in different themes and with different gimiks. Every time I enter the school or before I go to my dormitory, I always buy foods in the booths together with my friends. I really love the somai and the halo-halo. I also bought pin in our BSA booth, it is so cute and I like the tagline there saying, “We don’t just rule, We double rule.. “

          On that day also, we watched the opening ceremony of the Unity Games, you can see there the players of the different sports. But for me the exciting part in the ceremony is when introducing the muse and escort of each team. Students are shouting and giving their full support to the muse for them who stand out. They were all beautiful and deserving to win.

          On the second day, all BSA students were busy because this day is the Warfare. This warfare is celebrated every year and now it already reaches in 21th year. Different BSA students from different colleges and university will be tested and shown their knowledge in diverse category like theory of accounts, business law, auditing and many more.

          I’m glad because I’m given a chance to watch and witness this kind of quiz bee. You can see to their eyes who among them is feeling nervous or shy, but there are students that there are just calm and confident.

          “I want to go home!!” that’s on my mind after watching the warfare. But because we need to attend the tax seminar on the third day (Wednesday) I was not able to go home. I learn a few things related in my accounting subject in the seminar. And after that the nominees for the next JPIA officer was called to say something or convince the BSA to vote for them. I’m also nominated as treasurer (junior). My other classmates who are also nominated were Rhodilet Valdez, Ej Gueco, Fernan Bautista, Mikee Miranda, Regine Del Rosario and I forgot the others.

          Fourth day of the CBA week, and that is Thursday, I was not able to go to school because I want to rest and relax in the dorm. And also, there is no activities I want to watch on that day.

          Last day of CBA week is very exciting; this day is the schedule of the fashion trends. Many students will surely watch because they will support the muse and escort representing their courses. The beautiful Lara Cahucom and handsome Eljay Cabrera stand for the BSA. Full of support and many BSA students are shouting. If I will describe this day it is like “victory” because our muse and escort won together with the BSA students who join the volleyball who got first place.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Letter to a Friend

Dear Nico,

           How are you? I hope you and your family are in good condition. It’s been a long time since I saw you. And this is my first time to write a letter especially to a friend not here in the Philippines.

            There are so many things happened here since you left. Last Feb. 6-10, 2012, we celebrated the CBA week. It has been really fun. As you noticed, it is not CBEA anymore but rather it is CBA. This week was very happy and you know that right, because for BSA students this week is quite a way to relax and of course to enjoy.

             Anyway, what do you do at this moment? What keeps you busy Nico? Are you studying? Do you find your school comfortable as well? I hope you’re doing great and enjoying your stay there in Australia. And I’m looking forward to see you soon.

              I just wish that we are together right now but we have different path, but through this letter I know that we’re still close like the old days. I will wait for your reply. Take care and God bless you and your family.

                                                                                                      Warm regards,

MURO-AMI (Reaction)

The story of Muro Ami will make a great impact on the viewers, it has not only touched the heart of the people but I believe it will lead to strengthening of laws about illegal fishing and will consider child labor for revision. The real situation of our country that depicted in the film is the fact that we cannot deny that poverty drives the people go beyond the boundaries. Its like “kapit sa patalim” whether the parents of the children are aware or not, about the child labor law, I guess for them muro ami (reef hunting) is a way of life, a tradition, a culture, a way of survival. 

This movie has many attribute that make the movie itself a good one and can be proud of, especially its story which is based on the reality in the country and of course the creation of movie itself. The awareness that brought to our countrymen and perhaps to the world may open the eyes of the people that though, we have child labor law, the government should think again and revise the same law for lack of alternative and benefits for the children that they forbid to work since they offer nothing for their living. Say for instance, scholarship or providing jobs for their parents. This movie is a quality film that elevated the Philippine movie industry into Hollywood level that can compete into world class film festival. This creates an opportunity for our country to be known internationally.

Another awareness that was stirred up here and got the attention of the nature’s lovers, is that our country is rich in marine natural resources that are being spoiled by a lot of illegal fishing particularly the muro-ami system that directly damaging the corals and even the dynamite that kills thousand of young fishes in a single blast. In this way, the people become aware of the conduct of this some fisherman because of this film hopefully, it may help the immediate apprehension of the law breakers.

My overall impression about the movie was even though the movie has been exaggerated in some part, but generally it is one the best movie in the Philippines, it has a wonderful cinematography specially the underwater scene, all characters were fit for their role and have done a good job for the success of the film. The place is perfectly suited for story as well as the ship. The movie portrays a realistic scenario of the people that make a living entirely out of the sea. The supporting actors just like Pen Medina, Jhon Hilario and Rebecca Lusterio have played their part well that made the director justified for his award. 

HINILAWOD (Parody Revision)

         Long time ago, there is a kingdom where all the god and goddesses lived together. The goddess of the eastern sky Alunsina, also known as Laun Sina, in that time reached maidenhood. All the unmarried gods of the different domains of the universe have given a test to prove their love to Alunsina. But, Alunsina chose one of the soldier of the kingdom, he is Paubari.

         Before they will discover by others, they decided to go in a place far from the kingdom. Suklang Malayon, best friend of Alunsina, help the two to escape so their plan become successful. Paubari and Alunsina experience so many difficulties but they were able to conquer it by the power of their love.
After several months Alunsina became pregnant, but her condition is not like the normal pregnant women because she is a goddess and apparently Paubari is a mortal so their child will get a blood of a half mortal and a half god.

          Paubari and Alunsina was shocked when Alunsina delivered a set of triplets. They were all healthy. When they become older, Labaw Donddon, the eldest of the three, took a journey to find the woman who he will going to marry. He fights to all dangers and purse to his goal and finally he met the woman he loves and asked her to marry him. After the marriage they stay in the house given by Paubari as a gift to the new couple.

          At that time, Ginudulong, brother of Labaw, also decided to find his future wife. Because for him, he is in the right age so Paubari and Alunsina give their blessing to their son. In the journey of Ginudulong, he encounter a fight between a farmer and a land owner, he help in solving their problem and because Ginudulong is wise he ask for the return. He told the two to find him a woman that the can marry. The land owner has a daughter named Sinilangin. When Ginudulong met Sinilangin, he felt a love at first sight. After their wedding they stay in the place of the land owner which is the father in Sinilangin.

          On the other hand, Busod, the youngest among the three, does not take any journey, what he do is he teach the people in the community. As a result, the people chose him to be the leader of their community. All of them became happy and live their lives together with their love one.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

MGA BUKAD HA MAYO kan Eduardo Makabenta


Magpapakaruruyag ngan pinili,
burak ngan tsampaka, marol nga hamili,
rosas, asusenas. Rosal nga mahambot
ngan nagangalimwag sa hangin talambot,
an ira alimyon abot ha hirayo…
Magpakawiwili nga bukad ha Mayo.

Bukad nga kadam’an luob an at’ tuna,
magpakabibihag ha panhunahuna,
may walingwaling ngan may mga manan-aw
nga makalipay ha mata pagtan-aw
may sangyaw, may diri, may masarayo,
magdamit Malaya, di’ bukad ha Mayo.

Inin tarukanga nga labi kahayaw
ha pagkakaaga daw na naparayaw,
bis’an kalatsutsi, bisan surangga,
may hamo’t may dagway nga sadang ibangga:
di’na mapakadto lain nga ibayo,
damo an bukad ta ha bulan ha Mayo.

Magpakadilain nga kabukaranan,
di na kinahangalan ngatanan ngaranan;
may bukad hin kahoy, may bukad nga buhi
nga say rayandayan hinin kinabuhi;
bukad nga nasunog sugad han kalayo,
hinin kasingkasing, kun bulan ha Mayo.


Magugustuhan 'pag pinili,
Burak at tsampaka, marol na namili,
Rosas, asusenas. rosal na mahambot
ay sumasama sa hangin sa lambot.
Ang kanilang amoy abot sa malayo
Nakawiwiwling bulaklak ng Mayo.

Noon ang bulaklak na nakatanim sa lupa,
na nakabibihag ng kasipan,
May waling-waling at meron ding manan-aw
na nakapagpapasaya ng matang paningin
May dasal, may hindi, may lalayo,
magdamit malaya, at hindi bulaklak ng Mayo.

Itong saraduhan sa labi na nakawala
sa umaga daw ay nakapagpapasayaw,
Kahit kalatsutsi, at kahit surangga,
May amoy at katas na sadyang ibangga,
Hindi na nagpapakita kahit saan mang dako,
Marami ang bulaklak sa buwan ng Mayo.

Iba't ibang mga bulaklak
Lahat hindi napangalanan,
May bulakla sa kahoy, may bulaklak sa buhay
na katulad nitong kabuhayan,
Bulaklak na nasunog ng apoy,
Nitong puso kahit buwan ng Mayo.


You will love it if you choose
Burak and champaka, Marol that suiting
Roses, asuzenas, rosal that soft
Their fragrance that reach far
I love the flowers of May.

Before, the flowers are still planted
It already captures the mind
We have waling-waling as well as manan-aw,
that brings glisten to our vision
There is prayer while there is not; don't go far
Dress freely or not for the flowers of May.

The closure on the lips are there,
Every morning, you can dance everywhere
Even calachuchi, neither surangga,
A scent and sap that tends to allure
You will never see like this whenever you go,
Full of flowers on May.

Different flowers
You can't name all
There in the woods; there in life
This is for a living
Flowers that burnt in fire
In every heart, on the flowers of May.

“Every month of May, there is what we called “Flores de Mayo.”These are done by beautiful ladies walking and they have used different flowers for their arko and for their bouquet. Flowers to be used are selected carefully. They symbolize many things and selecting the right flower becomes more attractive to the judgemental eyes of the people watching it. It also gives beauty to the lady that uses the flower as her design in her arko. The beauty of those flowers that we have seen during the month of May is really priceless.”

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Narrator: A long time ago, there was a hero named Baltog. He was a young man who was strong, kind and very handsome. His father is Handiong, chief tain of their village.

                One day, Baltog and Handiong talked about the problem in the land of Samar. Many enemies come to their land and destroy their crops and worst, killing their animals. Because of the lack of food, people were dying of hunger.

Handiong: Son, our people are tired of fighting. They want a peaceful life with no hunger. Our animals are getting fewer in number each day. If this will continue, we will all die of hunger.

Baltog: What should I do father? What do you want me to do?

Handiong: You need to find a place where our people can live peacefully and contentedly.

Baltog: If you want that father, yes I will do it for you and for our people.

Handiong: I am too old for the job so I’m putting it on your shoulder. You are young, strong and brave. I know you can do it.

Narrator: Handiong gave his blessing to Baltog. Baltog sailed out that night in a small boat that would take him to a place called “Kabikulan”

Baltog: I heard so much about Kabikulan and it would be good if I could find a place there where my people and I could live peacefully.

Narrator: Out in the great sea, Baltog encountered a strong wind and huge waves that destroyed his boat. He had to swim and he almost drowned before he safely reached the shore off the coastal town of Kabikulan.

Baltog: Ibalon is a perfect place for me and my people. The soil was fertile and was suitable for root crops, rice and vegetables. It was also very ideal for their animals. I want to have this place for me and my people.

Narrator: With his strength and skill in hand-to-hand combat, he was able to subdue all the crocodiles and boar, killing them and cutting them into pieces. However, the snake with a woman’s head was able to escape and left the mountain for another home.
                He went home and told his father about the land he had found for them.

Baltog: Father, I’m back, and I already found a place where we can live peacefully.

Handiong: I’m proud of you son. Lets now tell the good news to our people.

Narrator: Baltog, Handion and all their people left Samar for Ibalon, their new home. Handiong and Baltog taught their people several home industries to make a living. In no time, their lives changed for the better.

REGION V (Bicol Region)

Region V or Bicol Region is located at the southeastern end of Luzon. The total area covered is18,114 sq. kilometer, and a total number population of 5,109,798 (as of 2007). The Region or Bicolandia as what everybody knows of the people living in this region is consist of 6 provinces such as; Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catnaduanes, Masbate, and Sorsogon.

The region has a total number of 7 Cities, 107 Municipalities, and 3,471 Barangays, among of the city it is Legazpi City the regional center, Naga City is the region’s political and administrative center. Most often used language used in the region is Bicol, other dialect spokes in other part of the area are; Cebuano, Tagalog, Bikol Rinconada a variety of Bikol speaks this dialect, Oasnun DarageƱo, Sorsogon, and MasbateƱio.

Agriculture and fishing is the main source of living in the provinces. The regions primary crop productions are coconuts, rice, abaca, and corn (maize). Gold-mining and jewelry production continue to be well known in the province. And other small size and a few handicrafts are broadly known observed. The enthusiastic turns of event in the tourism industry boast when a new tourist attraction came into sight.

The famous new CamSur Water Sports Complex, the Mayon Volcano and the whale shark have made to be the spot and increased the number of expensive resort in the region. There are lots of beautiful places to visit, so are lovely beaches. Visitors often came to swim in the beaches, scuba-dive to wrecked galleons, explore caves, climb volcano, waterfalls and abundant vegetation, and many more.

·         Albay – Legazpi City, Ligao City, Tabaco City
·         Camarines Sur – Iriga City, Naga City
·         Masbate – Masbate City
·         Sorsogon – Sorsogon City

People behind the Region V:
·         Liz Alindogan – Model, Actress and Producer
·         Chx Alcala – Model, Pinoy Big Housemate Season 1
·         Joker Arroyo – Senator, Former Rep. 1st District Makati City
·         Nora Aunor – The one and only Superstar, actress, singer
·         Jane Banares – Mutya ng Pilipinas- International 2009
·         Ian Batherson – Starstruck Finalist Season 5
·         Rochelle Barrameda – Actress, Model, Miss-Teen Philippines
·         Bentong – Comedian, TV host
·         Ely Buendia – lead vocalist of Eraserheads
·         Dina Bonnevie – Actress
·         Marianne dela Riva – Actress, Model
·         Enchong Dee – Actor, Swimmer, Medalist 2005 SEA Games
·         Paquito Diaz – Character Actor
·         Bugoy Drilon – Pinoy Dream Academy Season 2 2nd Star Dreamer
·         Francis Escudero – Senator, Former Rep. 1st District Sorsogon
·         Amalia Fuentes – Actress
·         Eddie Garcia – Actor, Commercial Model
·         Kristine Hermosa – Actress, Commercial, Ramp & Print Ad Model
·         Fortunato “Atoy” Co – PBA Basketball Player
·         Aga Muhlach – Actor, Model

Magayon Festival – May 1-31, Albay.
Sarung Banggi Festival – May 18-25, Albay.
Bicol Food Festival – No specific date. Albay.

Mayon Conquest – March 18-20, Albay.
Ibalong Festival – No specific date.
Rokyaw Festival – February 11, Aquinas University, Legazpi City.

Lubid Festival – July 12-16, Malilipot, Albay.
Layag Festival – September 16, Rapu-Rapu, Albay.
Tabak Festival – March 21-26, Tabaco City.